Thursday, October 27, 2005

Boxes, boxes everywhere...

I had no idea I had collected this much junk in my office. Ok, so it's not all junk. I actually have some good books on my shelf...some of which I have actually read.

I also never figured it would be this much work to get things ready to leave. Besides packing books & shelf-toys in th boxes, I've got to change email accounts, change contact info at a bunch of places (many of which I'll actually forget to do), pass off all the website info for 2 websites...

Oh, and look...I just found some money...why on earth do I have American coins in my desk?!?!

On top of all that, my desk looks the same as it has for the past 5 1/2 years: a total mess! Maybe I should actually clean it before I leave. there's a thought.

Tomorrow is our farewell. Our students & leaders are planning it, so it should be both hilarous and completely embarassing. I'm sure they'll mock me to no end.

And Sunday is our final day here. I'm wrapping things up by singing something for "Special Music" (apparently "Nah, nah, nah, hey, hey, hey, goodbye" is not an "apropriate" selection for Sunday morning worship...go figure!) and then passing the torch to our volunteers. Something else might be in the works too, but I'll fill you in next week when I'm officially unemployed.


'neice said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!

Pastor Eldred said...

Knotter, I know the transition pangs you are going through - as I am going through them myself. Tonight was our next to last Sunday, and they scheduled me to sing! My choice was Fanny Crosby's "all the way my Savior leads me." I trust you finished well; and I look forward to hearing of your continued endeavors.