Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Life by dial-up...

Yeah...still no broadband at our place. Apparently Telus is in nor hurry to hook it up either because we aren't getting broadband through them. But this is just getting ridiculous.

Anyways, here's a quick look at a few things that happened over my blogging hiatus...

I rescued 3 Clapton tickets from the bottom of a full garbage bag at 2am.
  • I had one of those "sit straight up in bed and suddenly realize that you haven't seen the tickets for 3 days since you opened them and left them on the counter" moments. A mild panic attack, and 25 minutes later...and at the bottom of a bag of old spaghetti, other leftovers and miscellaneous crap...they were rescued.
Our youth worship team led in church this past Sunday.
  • I can honestly say that this ranks up there with my experiences playing with "Acoustic Skyline". I've missed the days of leading worship on a Sunday morning. And this gave the youth ministry some much needed exposure.
Retreat/conference season is upon us.
  • It's that time of the year that everyone who is anyone is trying to convince me to bring my students to their conference. YC Generation, Legacy, Rush, Dare2Share have all been on the radar and I think I've narrowed it down...almost.
Goals for the New Year.
  • I have a large list. That way I am sure to accomplish something, right? Actually this one could be a post all it's own, but I wonder if there's any point in putting down on paper what I'll probably forget about in a week's time. Hey, but isn't it the thought that counts? Stay tuned...maybe.


Unknown said...

As a member (notice I didn't say former member - I still have high hopes of a reunion tour) of Acoustic Skyline, I think it is worth saying that things may come close but nothing will ever match your Acoustic Skyline experience - especially the Nakuman tour.

Unknown said...

Yeah, the Nakamun tour of '05 was a great tour. The memories just came flooding back of Nakamun water and lemon flavored water.

I hear we got displaced by Riley Armstrong this year!

Kelly said...

glad you came back to the blogging world! and good job with the clapton tickets...i am SO impressed!

Unknown said...

Glad to be back dags! Now if only we get broadband back, I'm sure my lovely wife will return to her blogging ways too.