Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Someone please press "play"...

I think I hit the pause button in my head and now I can't get it started again. Everything seems to have frozen up. And this is not the best time for it. I have a message to finish preparing for tomorrow night, a parents meeting to prepare for on Thursday night and a youth leader meeting to prepare for on Sunday afternoon.

And then next week I'm off to District Retreat. So I have to have everything prepared for me to not be around. Ad like I said, this isn't the best time for my brain to drift into "stand-by mode".


Jon Coutts said...

PLAY? You mean, WORK!

WORK MIKE WORK! WORK LIKE YOU'VE NEVER WORKED BEFORE! (Which is a distinct possibility!)


Kelly said...

I think my brain is still on pause from my holidays...just can't get it kick started either