Tuesday, September 20, 2005

What I've heard...

Here's a sample of the comments I have heard over the past week that have absolutely done a number on my heart. These are the ones that make it hard to leave.

"It's not fair. I've only known you guys a year." (recent grade 11 student)

"It feels like I've been broken up with." (well known grade 12 student)

"Why do you need to get better at what you do? You're already great at it. Stay here and practive on us." (well known grade 12 student)

I knew this wouldn't be easy, but I honestly didn't think it would be this hard. I'm going to miss these students. They have left a permanent mark on my life. My wife and I will have a very hard time when it comes time for the official farewell.

In other related news, we meet with the Real Estate Agent tomorrow at 4:00pm. We were originally thinking about selling privately in order to achieve maximum moolah, but then I remembered that I'm still a pastor. How on earth am I supposed to fit selliing a house into my schedule?!?!

On top of all that I'm speaking at a retreat this weekend before my wife and I head off to California for a mini-vacation in D-land and NYWC in Sacramento next week. In one sense I'm looking forward to it, but on the other hand I know that coming back means saying good-bye.

This just isn't going to get any easier is it?


Katie said...

Mike, it doesn't get easier, I won't lie. Pray and rest in the decision you made. Kids are not good at change. That leadership skill comes later in life once they are in college. They will understand though and life will get easier for them and for you.

Derek said...

They're kids. It's change. We fear change by virtue of our humanity. You know they don't mean to be hurtful. Someday they'll understand.

Kerry said...

Bro, students usually live in the moment, and don't see to far past that. In this moment, they feel hurt, so that's what they'll express, don't get bogged down by it. They'll realize your decision, and that God will take care of them, I went through it 2 years ago, when I left to come to Arizona.

Onto the comment you left on my site. Ill have you know my friend that I am a huge hockey fan as well, Im a Leafs fan. GO Leafs!

Did I read on your blog that you'll be at NYWC Sacramento? Is that still the case? If so, maybe Ill see ya there.

Unknown said...

Thanks gang. I know it'll all work out ok in the end. We don't regret our decision, but it is sad to say goodbye. I'd rather have that than someone saying "Get lost!".

Kerry, I'm sorry to hear that your a Leafs fan...maybe I'll throw on my Habs jersey at NYWC! But be on the lookout for the guy in a Manchester United jersey!