Sunday, March 04, 2007

I've got words for this PC...

And they aren't pleasant. I just finished a lengthy post about hooliganism and a recent movie I watched (Green Street Hooligans) and now it's been swallowed up by a mysterious blackhole also known as "my computer with a mind of its own".

Not wanting to recreate the original post, I've opted instead for a few highlights from a fairly full yet relaxing weekend:
  • Enjoyed watching Green Street Hooligans. It's been sitting on the DVR for almost 2 months but I finally found some time. But don't watch it if you dislike violence, football or English accents. Gritty movie.
  • Read "MySpace My Kids". Nothing new was said in this book that I didn't already know, but it could be a useful resource for any parent who doesn't have a clue about the wonderful world of MySpace.
  • Watched a pile of episodes of "The Unit" and caught up on my "Lost" viewing. The latter keeps getting stranger and stranger. I'm close to giving up on it.
  • Watched RV with the kids this afternoon. It makes me want to try an RV vacation...but I'd be the guy who doesn't have a clue how to empty the sewage tank. I guess I'll opt for tents and hotels.


Tammy said...

All I can say is "MAC" gotta love it.

Unknown said...

And I'm now accepting financial contributions to the "buy-a-mac-for-mike" fund. You should get things rolling and set an example for all my other faithful blog readers.

Tammy said...

Oh your funny. I did however contribute an item that was made on my mac. It will be in the mail tomorrow and should arrive some time next week. Enjoy!

Unknown said...

I await with eager anticipation.