Monday, January 11, 2010

Goals for 2010...

Nothing earth shattering here, just a few things I'd like to accomplish in 2010. I'll keep tabs on my progress.
  • Reading: After missing the book-a-week mark last year, I think I'll try again to hit the 52 book mark. I can't miss two years running...that would be embarrassing.
  • Guitar: I'm obviously not writing my own songs, so I think I'll work on other people's stuff. I'm going to try and pick up a Dave Matthews Band song every 2 weeks. The rule: I must be able to play and sing it from start to finish.
  • Fitness: I'm so lazy outside of soccer, I NEED to do something. I'd like to say a jog a week (not including soccer games and practices) would be feasible, but maybe that's too ambitious for me. Let's see if I can get out for a run every 2 weeks.
  • Family: More regular family nights and adventures together. (And more dates with my wife!)
  • Money: Take another step closer to debt-free by learning to curb the impulse buys and sticking to my personal spending budget (aka - my jar money).
  • Bible: Read through a "chronological" Bible in one year.

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